Chronic Compass

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In High School and Lost in Chronic Illness?

Are you a high school student feeling unwell but unsure of the cause? Have your symptoms persisted longer than usual or felt different from what you typically experience? Maybe you’ve visited a doctor, done tests like blood draws and physical exams, but still have no answers for why you feel this way.

I can relate. After recovering from mono, I started feeling off, and then I got sick at summer camp despite being fully vaccinated for COVID-19. It wasn’t COVID, but it did spread to other kids at camp, and we never figured out what it was.

Following that illness, I started experiencing dizziness and fatigue, even things like hanging out with friends left me needing days to recover. I caught colds frequently, and during winter break of my freshman year, I ended up with both types of influenza—A and B. Instead of a quick recovery, I was bedridden for two months, and when I finally got better, I faced new daily migraines and persistent weakness.

It was clear that something was wrong, and it disrupted every aspect of my life—school, health, sleep, and energy.

As a high school student, I felt isolated and unsupported in figuring out what was happening to me. I want to prevent anyone else from experiencing that confusion. If you're a high schooler facing vague illness symptoms and feeling lost, I’m here to share the resources that helped me through it.